【書籍】Synthesis and Function Improvement of Gold Nanorods, Silver Nanoprisms, and Chiral Nanoparticles for Bioapplications
【論文】滋賀県立大学 秋山先生との共同研究が「Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology」に掲載されることとなりました.おめでとうございます!
Title: Dye fluorescence enhancement by plasmonic nanostructured gold–titania film composites obtained by the combination of electrodeposition and surface sol-gel process
Authors: Tsuyoshi Akiyama, Kenta Aiba, Toya Otsuki, Natsuki Koyama, Takeo Oku, Kosuke Sugawa, Sunao Yamada
【論文】当研究室の博士前期課程2年の早川くんの研究成果が「Nanoscale Research Letters」に掲載されました!おめでとうございます!
Title: Modulation Technique of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Palladium Nanospheres by Coating with Titanium Dioxide Shell for Application to Photothermal Therapy Agent
Authors: Yutaro Hayakawa, Masato Furuya, Hironobu Tahara, Yasuhiro Kosuge, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
【学会発表】以下のメンバーが,国際会議「34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2021)」(10/26~10/29,オンライン開催)にて発表します!頑張りましょう!
・〇Masato Furuya, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
・〇Yutaro Hayakawa, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
【論文】当研究室の大学院生,武島君の論文が「Chemistry Letters」(CSJ)に掲載されることが決まりました!おめでとうございます!
・Title: Synthesis of Ag Nanoprisms with Precisely-tuned Localized Surface Plasmon Wavelengths by Sequential Irradiation of Light of Two Different Wavelengths
・Authors: Naoto Takeshima, Kosuke Sugawa, Masaki Noguchi, Hironobu Tahara, Shota Jin, Kouichi Takase, Joe Otsuki, and Kaoru Tamada
※九州大 玉田先生にご協力頂きました.感謝申し上げます.
The localized surface plasmon resonance wavelength of Ag nanoprisms was successfully tuned within 500-600 nm by sequential irradiation of 470-nm and 525-nm light to Ag nanospheres for predetermined time. We have clarified the mechanism in which the nanoprisms are synthesized by the first irradiation, which act as seeds for the growth in the second irradiation with Ag nanospheres being consumed.
【論文】共同研究を行っている滋賀県立大の秋山先生の論文が「Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology」に掲載されることが決まりました!おめでとうございます!
・Title: Fabrication and photocatalytic behavior of titanium oxide?gold nanoparticles composite ultrathin films prepared using surface sol?gel process
・Authors: Shota Mitsukawa, Tsuyoshi Akiyama, Mikiya Hinoue, Kaho Shima, Takao Takishita, Suguru Higashida, Natsuki Koyama, Kosuke Sugawa, Makoto Ogawa, Hiroshi Sakaguchi, Takeo Oku
【論文】当研究室の大学院生,武島君の論文が「Nanoscale Research Letters」(Springer)に掲載されることが決まりました!おめでとうございます!
・Title: Combined Use of Anisotropic Silver Nanoprisms with Different Aspect Ratios for Multi-Mode Plasmon-Exciton Coupling
・Authors: Naoto Takeshima, Kosuke Sugawa, Hironobu Tahara, Shota Jin, Masaki Noguchi, Yutaro Hayakawa, Yuhei Yamakawa & Joe Otsuki
【学会発表】当研究グループの学生3名が国際会議(33rd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)で発表しました!諸先生方の貴重なご意見,誠に有難うございました!
(Poster) Wenxiao Liang, Kosuke Sugawa,* Joe Otsuki, Photocurrent generation from densely-arranged Ag nanoparticle assemblies on ITO electrode. 32nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference(広島国際会議場), 2019年10月28-31日
(Poster) Toru. Fukasawa, Kosuke. Sugawa, Joe. Otsuki, Change in plasmonic properties by hybridizing Au nanoparticles with electron donating ligand. 2nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference(広島国際会議場), 2019年10月28-31日
(Poster) Shiryu Watanabe, Kosuke Sugawa*, Joe Otsuki, Enhancement control of triplet-triplet annihilation-based upconverted emission by precisely adjusting localized surface plasmon wavelengths. 32nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference(広島国際会議場), 2019年10月28-31日
【論文】博士課程1年の神翔太くんの論文が,アメリカ化学会のハイインパクトファクター雑誌「ACS Photonics」に掲載されることが決定しました!素晴らしい研究成果ですね!おめでとう!
タイトル:Precise Control of Localized Surface Plasmon Wavelengths Is Needed for Effective Enhancement of Triplet-Triplet Annihilation-Based Upconversion Emission
【学会発表】以下の学生たちがナノ・マイクロサイズの機能材料に関する国際会議「31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference」(札幌,10月)で発表しました.おいしいものも沢山食べたようですね!
【招待講演】須川准教授が,「International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials (ICEAN) 2018」(オーストラリア,ニューキャッスル, 10月)にて,招待講演しました!
題目:Spontaneous Formation of Cu2O/Plasmonic Cu Arrays and Their Photocatalytic Activity
講演者:Kosuke Sugawa
【学会発表】ナノ・マイクロサイズの機能材料に関する国際会議「31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference」(札幌,10月)で学生が多数発表します.頑張っていきましょう!
【講演】先進ナノ材料関係の国際会議「International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials (ICEAN) 2018」(オーストラリア,ニューキャッスル, 10月)にて,須川准教授が招待講演します.最近緊張する仕事が多いです。。。
題目:Spontaneous Formation of Cu2O/Plasmonic Cu Arrays and Their Photocatalytic Activity
講演者:Kosuke Sugawa
須川准教授が執筆した「Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence and Its Applications」が,John Wiley & Sons, Ltdの「Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry」に掲載されました!
須川准教授が国際会議「The 30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2017)」(済州島,韓国)にて,招待講演を行いました!お疲れ様でした!
K. Sugawa
Effective Excitation of Copper Surface Plasmon Resonance and Its Applications
The 30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2017) (Jeju, Korea), 2017/11/6-9
共同研究者の青野君,阿久津さん(物理学科修士課程),井上君(修士1年)が国際会議「The 30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2017)」(済州島,韓国)にて,ポスター発表を行いました!お疲れ様でした!
東京大学の立間徹教授との共同研究の成果が「Chemistry Select」に掲載されました.
Ling Wu, Natsumi Tsunenari, Hiroyasu Nishi, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki, Tetsu Tatsuma*
“Two-Dimensional Arrays of Au Halfshells with Different Sizes for Plasmon-Induced Charge Separation”
ChemistrySelect, 2017, 2, 3744-3749.
須川准教授が国際会議「International Symposium on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ISPAC)2017」(ホーチミン,ベトナム)にて,招待講演を行いました!
Kosuke Sugawa
“Optical Properties and Functionalities of Plasmonic Copper Arrayed Structures”
International Symposium on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ISPAC)2017 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam), 2017/6/8-10
大学院2年の加藤くんの論文が「Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals」(United Kingdom)に掲載されることが決定しました!おめでとうございます!
Masahiro KATO, Kosuke SUGAWA, Joe OTSUKI
“Chemical Stability and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Property of Platinum-Modified Silver Nanorods”
大学院1年の本多くんの論文が「Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals」(United Kingdom)に掲載されることが決定しました!おめでとうございます!
Jotaro HONDA, Shota JIN, Kyo TOKUDA, Wataru INOUE, Kosuke SUGAWA, Joe OTSUKI
“Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Properties of Ag Nanostructures Fabricated by Galvanic Reaction using Nanostructured Al Thin Films”
大学院1年の井上くんの論文が「Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals」(United Kingdom)に掲載されることが決定しました!おめでとうございます!
“Enhancement of Raman Scattering from Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Densely-Arranged Two-Dimensional Gold Nanoparticle Assemblies”
「日本化学会 第97春季年会2017」(慶應大学・日吉キャンパス)にて,多数の学生が成果発表を行いました!
〇金子 竜二・Wu Guohua・須川 晃資・大月 穣
〇杉本 大樹・須川 晃資・大槻 穣
〇須川 晃資・加藤 真洋・大月 穣
“白金ドープ異方性銀ナノ粒子の表面プラズモン共鳴による光熱変換現象とがん細胞死誘導” (口頭B)
〇MIHARA, Junichi; OTSUKI, Joe; YAMANO, Minori; SUGAWA, Kosuke
“Synthesis of a pyridinium derivative of naphthalimide with extended π-conjugation and its interaction with DNA”(ポスター)
〇HONDA, Jotaro; SUGAWA, Kosuke; OTSUKI, Joe
“Development of plasmonic Al nanomaterials leading to death of He-La cell.”(ポスター)
〇IGARI, Shuto; UCHIDA, Koji; SUGAWA, Kosuke; OSTUKI, Joe; OKAZAKI, Toshiya
“Specific Photoluminescence Enhancement of Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes by Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Anisotropic Silver Nanoparticels”(ポスター)
〇ISEKI, Keito; SUGIMOTO, Daiki; SUGAWA, Kosuke; OTSUKI, Joe
“Evaluation of refractive index susceptibility of licalized surface plasmon resonance of palladium nanoplates”
〇INOUE, Wataru; YAMAGUTI, Kengo; SUGAWA, Kosuke; OTSUKI, Joe
“Densely arranged two-dimensional anisotropic metal nanoparticle assemblies at the liquid-liquid interface with surface enhanced Raman scattering property”
当研究グループの猪狩君が国際学会“29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference”で発表します!頑張りましょう!!
S. Igari, R. Miyasaka, S. Jun, K. Uchida, K. Sugawa, K. Takase and J. Otsuki
“Precisive Tuuing of Surface Plasmon Resonance Wavelength of Anisotropic Silver Nanoprisms by Removing Surface Protective Agent”
Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science 2016 (PRiME 2016)(ハワイ,ホノルル)にて,須川助教,学生2名が発表してきました!
1. Hideyuki Takeda(修士1年), Natsumi Tsunenari, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
Fluorescence Enhancement and Quenching Properties of Dyes Positioned on Plasmonic Copper Arrays: Comparision with Those on Plasmonic Gold Arrays
2. Masahiro Kato(修士1年), Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
Synthesis and Evaluation of Heat-Resistant Silver-Platinum Alloy Nanoprisms for Application in Cancer Therapy and Imaging
なんと!当グループ修士1年の加藤くんが,「Student Poster Award 1st place-solid state」を受賞しました(写真,右から3番目).当該会議は,電気化学会,米国電気化学会,韓国電気化学会の共催(後援: 中国電気化学会,王立オーストラリア化学会,応用物理化学会 ほか)による,参加人数が3000人を超える一大世界大会です.その中での受賞!すごすぎます!!
国際学会KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics 2016 (KJF-ICOMEP 2016)(ACROS福岡)にて,以下の学生が発表しました!お疲れ様でした!
・Shuto Igari, Hikaru Naitoh, Jotaro Honda, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
“Refractive Index Susceptibility and Photothermal Property of Au-Doped Ag Nanospheres Synthsized by Galvanic Replacement”
・Jotaro Honda, Shota Jin, Kosuke Suugawa, Joe Otsuki
“Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering properties based on Ag nanostructures formed on Al island structure”
・Kyo Tokuda, Kosuke Sugawa, Yasuhiro Kosuge, Yoshihisa Ito, and Joe Otsuki
“Synthesis and Characterization of Nanographene Oxide-Modified Gold Nanostars”
・Hideyuki Takeda, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
“Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering based on Sandwiched Structures Consisting of Anisotropic Silver Nanoparticles and Plasmonic Silver Arrays”
・Masahiro Kato, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
“Chemical stability of platinum-doped rod like anisotropic silver nanoparticles”
当グループの卒業生(修士課程,内田君)の研究成果をまとめた論文が,英国王立化学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)の権威ある学術誌「Nanoscale」に掲載されることになりました.快挙!良く頑張りましたね!
共同研究者の先生方(九州大学 山田先生,滋賀県立大学 秋山先生)に深く感謝申し上げます.
須川助教が来年3月に開催される国際学会「BIT’s 5th Annual Conference of AnalytiX 2017」で招待講演をすることになりました.頑張ります!
福岡で開催される国際学会KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics 2016 (KJF-ICOMEP 2016)(9月)に以下の学生が発表します!早めに準備しましょうね.
M1 加藤君,武田君,徳田君
B4 本多君,猪狩君,井上君
Dr. Kosuke Sugawa, Assistant Professor, Nihon University, Japan 【Invited talk】
“Effective Excitation of Copper Surface Plasmon Resonance: Wavelength Dependence of Fluorescence Enhancement Effect”
BIT’s 2nd Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2016
March 4-7, 2016, Singapore
1. 〇恒成 夏弥(修士2年)、須川 晃資、大月 穣
2. 〇神 翔太(修士2年)、武島 尚人、須川 晃資、大月 穣
3. 〇須川 晃資(助教)、山口 大裕、大月 穣
4. 〇Masahiro Kato, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
“Synthesis and evaluation of thermally-resistant anisotropic platinum-doped silver nanoparticle for photothermal therapy”
5. 〇Daiki Sgimoto, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
“Synthesis of Pd nanoparticles showing localized surface plasmon resonance at visible region and their hydrogen absorption property”
6. 〇Mitsuaki Matsubara, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
“Synthesis of pyrite FeS2 nanocrystals and their unique optical properties in the near-infrared region”
7. 〇Takumi Eguchi, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
“Expression of chemical reactions using surface plasmon resonance of Au(core)-Pd(shell) type nanospheres”
8. 〇Kyo Tokuda, Kosuke Sugawa, Yasuhiro Kosuge, Joe Otsuki, Yoshihisa Ito
“Functional evaluation of PEG-modified nanographene as a drug delivery career”
9. 〇Hideyuki Takeda, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
“Fluorescence enhancement and quenching properties of dyes positioned on plasmonic copper arrays: comparison with those on gold arrays”
10. 〇Kengo Yamaguchi, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
“Fabrication of dense assemblies of various metal nanoparticles and their surface-enhanced Raman scattering properties”
物理学科の高瀬先生との共同研究成果の論文が,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics誌に掲載されることが決定しました!おめでとうございます!
Kouichi Takase, Kosuke Sugawa, Takashige Aono, Yuma Shirai, Tomohiko Nishida, Tomohiro Shimizu, Shoso Shingubara
“Fabrication and optical property of metal nanowire arrays embedded in anodic porous alumina membrane”
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, in press.
・当研究室の杉本くん、加藤くん、江口くん(いずれも学部4年生)らの研究成果が,Optical Materials Express (Optical Society of America)に掲載されることが決定しました!おめでとう!
Kosuke Sugawa, Daiki Sugimoto, Hironobu Tahara, Takumi Eguchi, Masahiro Katoh, Koji Uchida, Shota Jin, Takuji Ube, Takashi Ishiguro, and Joe Otsuki
“Refractive index susceptibility of palladium nanoplates with plasmonic resonance in the visible region”
Optical Materials Express, in press.
※東京理科大学 石黒先生・宇部先生,長崎大学 田原先生との共同研究です.お世話になりました.
〇Guohua Wu, Ryuji Kaneko, Yaohong Zhang, Yoshinao Shinozaki, Kosuke Sugawa, Ashraful Islam, Liyuan Han, Idriss Bedja, Ravindra Kumar Gupta, Qing Shen, Joe Otsuki
“Neutral and anionic tetrazole-based ligands in designing novel ruthenium dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells”
Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 307, 416-425.
〇Yoshinao Shinozaki, Taro Tsubomura, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki
“Construction of dendrimers with a square-shaped core consisting of zinc chlorophyll assembly via intermolecular nitrogen-zinc coordination”
Tetrahedron Letters, 2016, 57(1), 48-52.
当研究室M1の神君,恒成さんがハワイで開催された環太平洋国際化学会議(Pacifichem 2015)にて発表しました!良く頑張りました!ハワイも楽しんでいましたね・・・
Shota Jin, Naoto Takeshima, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki, Nihon University, Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
Pacifichem 2015, 2015, December 15-20, Honolulu, Hawaii
Natsumi Tsunenari, Saki Fujiwara, Kosuke Sugawa, Joe Otsuki, Nihon University, Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
Pacifichem 2015, 2015, December 15-20, Honolulu, Hawaii
Kosuke Sugawa, Nihon University, Japan [Invited talk]
“Surface plasmon resonance properties of copper nanostructures and their photochemical applications”
Energy Materials and Nanotechnology (EMN) Guangzhou Meeting
December 3-6, 2015 Guangzhou, China
Kosuke Sugawa (Nihon University)
" Effective excitation of copper surface plasmon resonance and fluorescence enhancement application "
2015 International Conference on Small Science (2015 ICSS)
From November 4-7 Phuket, Thailand
・武島くん(昨年度の卒業生),内田浩樹くん(M2)たちの論文が,Journal of Materials Chemistry C (The Royal Society of Chemistry)に掲載されました.おめでとう!
・田上くん(大学院修了済み)たちの研究成果が,イギリス王立化学協会の学術雑誌「Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences」に
タイトル「Fabrication of Dense Two-Dimensional Assemblies over Vast Areas Comprising Gold(Core)-Silver(Shell) Nanoparticles and Their Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Properties」
1. Joe Otsuki, Yusho Takaguchi, Daichi Takahashi, Kosuke Sugawa, Palanisamy Kalimuthu, Ashraful Islam, Liyuan Han
"Substituent effects for perylenedicarboxylic anhydrides on the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells: the simpler, the better "
Chemistry Letters, 2013, 42, 450-452.
2. J. Otsuki, Y. Takamori, K. Sugawa, A. Islam, K. Ogawa, A. Yamano, I. Yoshikawa, K. Araki
"Heteroleptic Ruthenium Complexes with 6-(ortho-Substituted Phenyl)-2,2'-Bipyridine Derivatives"
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, in press.
3. Kosuke Sugawa, Takahiro Tamura, Hironobu Tahara, Daisuke Yamaguchi, Joe Otsuki, Yasuyuki Kusaka, Nobuko Fukuda, Hirobumi Ushijima
"Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence Platforms Based on Plasmonic Ordered Copper Arrays: Wavelength Dependence of Quenching and Enhancement Effects"
○須川晃資・廣野修一・大月穣・秋山毅・山田淳 2012/01
・New Paper
★Kosuke Sugawa, Yoshimasa Tanoue
"Facile Fabrication of 2D Self-Assemblies Consisting of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles at an Air/Toluene Interface and Their Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Activities"
Jpn. J.Appl. Phys. Accepted.
★Kosuke Sugawa, Tatsuya Sakai, Daido Tanaka, and Tsuyoshi Akiyama
"Tuning Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional Ordered Arrays of Silica/Gold and Silver Core/Shell Structured Nanoparticles in Near Infrared Region"
Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. Accepted.