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A Post-Doctoral Position Available
This fellowship is provided by the Strategic Research Foundation Project for Private Universities from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan (MEXT). Project title is "Search and Creation of Novel Materials, Properties, and Devices through Understanding and Control of Ultrashort-Time Interactions of Light and Matter". Research on molecules and molecular assemblies for harvesting light energy, including artificial photosynthesis (water photolysis) and synthesis of novel dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells, etc., in the Prof. Otsuki group.

Application Deadline: May 31, 2014.
Period: October 1, 2014 to March 31, 2016. Delay in the starting date for a few months is expected in case you need a visa for the entry to Japan.

Qualification. In addition to the doctoral degree, a strong background is highly desired in at least one of the areas among supramolecular chemistry, synthetic chemistry, coordination chemistry, photochemistry, and electrochemistry.
Employment Conditions. 350,000 Japanese yen per month including tax, etc. Employment conditions are in accord with the bylaws of Nihon University. See http://www.kenjm.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/kenkyuin/index.html (Japanese).
Application. Please submit the following documents via e-mail to otsuki.joe@nihon-u.ac.jp. These documents will be used only for this selection purpose.
(1) Cover letter,
(2) CV,
(3) Publication lists,
(4) Explanation on your background including past works, strong areas and familiar experimental techniques,
(5) Two references with whom I could make a contact (institution, position, and e-mail address).
Selection. The selection will be made on the basis of the submitted documents and comments from the references. A particularly strong candidate could be selected earlier than the deadline.The result of the selection will be notified by e-mail.



雇用期間:2014年10月1日から2016年3月31日 日本入国のためのビザが必要な場合は,開始が数ヶ月遅れる見込み.

資格. 博士号をもっていることに加えて,超分子化学,合成化学,配位化学,光化学,電気化学のいずれかのバックグラウンドをもっていることが望ましい.
雇用条件. 月35万円(税等含む),その他日本大学理工学部の規定による.http://www.kenjm.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/kenkyuin/index.html参照.
応募.  以下の書類をotsuki.joe@nihon-u.ac.jpまで送付のこと.情報は本選考のためのみに利用する.
選考. 提出された書類と意見を伺った方のコメントにより行う.特に優れた応募者がいた場合は,締切前に選考を開始することもある.選考結果については,合否に関わらずメールで通知する.

Join us as a Post-Doctoral Fellow
I am willing to help you apply to funding agencies, such as the JSPS, to obtain a fellowship for the work in our group.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
If you are a European national, also see: Canon Foundation in Europe

Join us as a PhD Student
See College of Science and Technology, Nihon University

Join us as a Research Student
For scholarship information, see
Nihon University
Japanese Government